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The Power of Gratitude: How It Can Transform Your Mindset and Improve Your Relationships
Gratitude is a simple yet profound practice that has the power to transform our lives in remarkable ways. As a mindset and relationship...

The Most Common Mistakes in a Relationship
And how to solve them. The Most Common Mistakes in a Relationship: Lack of trust Lack of intimacy Unresolved conflict Poor communication...

Unveiling the Power of Denial - When We Dont Even Know We Are Lying
Denial is a formidable defence mechanism, an art of self-deception that often conceals truths from ourselves. It's astonishing how we can...

7 years later and I've just realised it was me who needed the hug…
I was watching Tony Robbins “I’m not your Guru” the other day and I got so emotional. I have seen it before but this time something hit...

How to Stop Comparing Yourself to Others
We are actually programmed to compare... and the reason for this is to figure out how we measure up to other people.

No one talks about how hard it is to allow love in after being hurt...
No one talks about how hard it is to allow love in after being hurt... How you can be your own worst enemy... How you can literally...

How to cope with disappointment in dating
Stop getting caught up in the fantasy... Stop living in the story you've created in your head. Because this is what we do, right? We...

5 things that do not determine your self-worth
self-worth is the internal sense of being good enough and worthy of love and belonging from others. Self-worth comes from within

10 ways to boost your confidence
It would be nice to feel confident everyday, but the truth is we do get days when we feel insecure or not ourselves.

How the lack of communication can ruin your relationships
Lack of communication and miscommunication is the most common reason why relationships go under. Communication is one of the most important

13 signs that you’re in a toxic relationship
Do you keep waiting or hoping your partner will change? Does your partner give you the silent treatment? Do you find it hard to trust...

How to overcome co-dependency (part 2)
Codependency is defined by the tie that binds us together. It is defined as excessive emotional and psychological relianceIs it difficult fo

Codependency (part 1): Is this you?
Do you protect someone even if it's their fault? Do you tend to disconnect from your own desires? Or do you always want to control...

Stop getting caught up in the fantasy...
Stop living in the story you've created in your head. Because this is what we do, right? We might swipe right on someone and connect with...

How to be more confident
Our psychology is the only thing standing between us and confidence. But the truth is… for most of us… we are living in our own heads. In...

R.E.S.P.E.C.T ... The key to a healthy relationship?
"A great relationship is about two things:
First, find out the similarities. Second, RESPECT the differences."

There comes a time when you need to stop running...
That realisation that you can't keep running because the very thing that you are running from is not external. It's inside.
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